woensdag 23 juni 2010

One minute history

The story of the wild macho man rabbit that took my Dora away.


Paint animation test

A nice test which resulted in the use of this technique more often!

Paint animation from Marèl Jap-Sam on Vimeo.

empty me?

zondag 13 juni 2010

Herinnering/ Memory

A short movie about a memory from when I was about 4 years.
The voice over is a little poem written for the film.

Het tikken het klakken van de hakken
Klik klak klik klak
Hoe mooi is dat!
Hoe ze zo sierlijk loopt
Op hoge kleuren
En hoe ze kijken, veel meer

Klik klak klik klak
Hoe trots ik haar hand pak
Zij is mijn moeder.

Klik klak klik klak
Zo loop ik ook
Zo paradeer ik ook
Zo zal ik ook lopen

Reken maar ja

Visje / HENK

Short film.
We made our own world with just our hands and my oven!
On the International Film festival Rotterdam we won the Watch that sound project.
Our price, to get guidance from director Cindy Jansen while making our own short film.

This is where it began:

This is where we're heading:
HENK www.henkdefilm.nl


Love and a Cctv camera

Short fiction film
7 min.

Analyze last year

Assignment from the WdKA, to make a short film about your development.


Wherever the line may be in both worlds it gets crossed, Femke.

Music by composer Frans Verburg. This film was an assignment in my first year at the academy. Make an product for which you've been inspired by the IFFR.

Little world

Little world
